A five-part documentary web series that explores some of the major environmental issues facing Californians today. Host Kiran Deol meets Californians whose lives have been turned upside down and introduces us to the inspiring people who are trying to help.
EPISODE 1: "Heart of the Drought"
Kiran meets Tom Steyer, who sends her to the Central Valley to meet Californians who are facing a major injustice - they've run out of water.
Kiran visits the Central Valley's Cawelo Water District where the drought is causing farmers to use recycled oil water to irrigate their crops. She takes in the smells so you don't have to.
episode 3: "in our air"
Kiran returns home to Los Angeles to investigate the hidden costs of pollution. Spoiler alert: we pay for it! 3.3 million Californians have asthma, and nowhere is pollution more rampant than in low-income communities.